Last weekend we continued our series on the seven deadly sins by looking at the vice that is greed. Like all sin, greed is destructive, self serving and against the very nature of God. It's not just a problem with money either, greed is the desire to claim anything we can imagine for ourselves. ![]()
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Sermon Study Last weekend we looked at the first of our seven deadly sins, pride. Through the book of Proverbs, we saw just how the ancient wisdom of Israel still speaks into our situation today, confronting the problem of pride and pointing us in the direction forward, wisdom and fearing the Lord. ![]()
Last weekend, we began our new series looking at the historical list called the seven deadly sins. These sins though, are far older than the list, they are at the root of all the issues that have plagued humanity since the fall. This series is not just about the sins themselves, it's also about our response to them. Using the book of Proverbs, we will hopefully grow in our understanding and wisdom as we seek to follow in Jesus footsteps. This week was an introduction to the nature of sin and also the book of Proverbs. ![]()
Sermon Study 1 Peter 5:6-14 It's taken 12 sermons but we have made our way though the whole first letter of Peter. It's only a short letter but we have seen the value that it provides and how it so powerfully speaks in the our current world events. This week we saw Peter ground it all in grace, a grace that stands firm and true in the face of all anxiety and even the great adversary. ![]()
Sermon Study What does it mean and what does it take to be an elder in the church. In our passage from last weekend we got an idea through Peter's word of encouragement to those who lead. This passage not only opened up for us what it means to be an elder but also a follower. The one attitude that brings it all together is humility. Click on the link below for the study notes. ![]()
September 2021
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