Fear and control. One we wish we had more of, the other we wish we had less. How do we solve this perpetual human struggle? For some, the answer is education. The more we know, the more we understand, the better we can control things and therefore the less we should fear. This is the answer that our modern secular world gives. Is that though of a meaningful answer, is it true or is it even possible? It's not just the world that gives this answer though, it's also the attitude of many in the church. If we simply know more about God, if we know the Bible better, then life will be ours to understand it and control it. The answer to the problem of fear and control, according to the Bible is not education or information, it's trust and obedience. A trust and obedience that is only understood in Jesus.
Sunday 22 November - Ben Peletier @ the PCYC & online. Matthew 19:16-30 - Life Under God Series: WITH This week we start a new series the will lead us all the way to Christmas day, where we celebrate the fullness of God coming down to earth to dwell with us. He is Emmanuel. In this series called WITH, we will look at the ways we misunderstand God's desire for relationship, considering how the various spiritual postures humanity takes, are often one and the same. What the Bible shows is that from his plan in creation, in the central moment of our redemption and even at the culmination of all things, God's desire was to be with us. So why should we expect something different now? And why do we think a life squashed under the weight of his expectations is his desire? Sunday 15 November - Ben Peletier. Obadiah 1:15-21 - How Near Is Near? Series: Brothers at War This week in the final section of the book of Obadiah we see the message reach its climax, bringing to light the ultimate plan God has for both Edom and the world. What we see in this passage is that God's word about Edom is not simply about Edom but speaks to the all nations. In these final verses we see both the dread of judgment and the hope of restoration. Yet will we make the same mistake that Israel did in misplacing these promises? Will our hope be in something that God promises or something we desire? Sunday 15 November - Ben Peletier. Obadiah 1:15-21 - How Near Is Near? (Audio Version)
Sunday 8 November - Ben Peletier @ the PCYC & online. Obadiah 1:10-14 - Am I My Brothers Keeper? Series: Brothers at War Last week in Obadiah we saw that God has something to say to the people of Edom, a nation who like Israel, were descendants of Abraham and Isaac. The charge against the Edomites was that they were proud, they have placed their hope and faith in what they had rather than in who God was. They, like we often do, placed their faith in themselves. This week though we see what this pride led them to, what is God's specific charge against them? They failed to love, care and protect their own family, their brother nation Israel. This was not the first time either we will see, but it was enough for God to promise that their sin would not go unpunished Sunday 8 November - Obadiah 1:10-14 - Am I My Brothers Keeper?
Sunday 1 November 2020 - Pride Comes Before the Fall |
January 2025
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